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Google CSS Premium Partner

Boost Your Shopping Ad Campaigns with 20% CPC Discount and Maximize Profits!

Free CSS Access

Active in all countries

Make the Switch Today!

Switching to our Google CSS partnership is quick and effortless, taking just 5-10 minutes of your time. Enjoy an exclusive 20% discount on your Shopping Ads CPC while maintaining campaign continuity and quality score.

You can always switch back whenever you choose.

Grow your business by making the most of your Shopping ads

Trusted by leading retailers and agencies, Shoply’s CSS solution offers unmatched benefits. By choosing Shoply, you’ll enjoy a 20% discount on your Shopping Campaigns’ CPC, allowing you to optimize your product ads and increase your participation in auctions, all while staying within your existing budget.

Boost the profitability and revenue of your shopping ad campaigns with a simple switch that makes your campaigns 25% more competitive!

Why choose Shoply CSS

Free CSS Access

No extra costs – No hidden or extra costs for clicks (CPC) or sales (CPS).

Active in all 21 countries of the CSS program, plus USA & Canada.

Subscription and CSS can be stopped at any time.

Free CSS Access

0/ month
  • Presence in Shoply CSS

  • 20% discount on Shopping Ads CPC

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